DATE: Sunday, August 21st
TIME: 1 to 3 pm
COST: $20
Morning has broken...! Oh wait, that's "weather has broken..."! I'll take advantage as long as it lasts. While closeted with hot weather, I was feverishly at work concocting more fun classes for you. Wait till you see the line-up! I'm all the way thru to the end of October. Hmm, it may be time to start planning Christmas cards by then. Wait and see!
This next class is one of those ones where you wonder why no one ever thought of this technique before. It's not my idea (wish it was), but when I tripped across it, I knew I had to introduce it to you ladies.
Our first set of cards are done in soft colors. Inks used are Salvaged Patina, Saltwater taffy, Wilted Violet and Hickory Smoke. If you don't have these colors, feel free to bring any combination you'd like. We do share, so don't stress over it.
And our second set of cards are done using bold colors and funky stamps.
When you get home, take a different look at your stamps and see how you can apply them to this technique -- I'll bet you'll surprise yourself!
The newsletter has listed all the inks used in these projects as well as instructions on the type of ink applicators to use. This class is full, but I'll be happy to take any requests for a private class. You don't want to miss this one!
See you on the 21st! In the meantime, happy crafting!