DATE: Sunday, October 24th
TIME: 1 TO 3PM (NOTE: class may run longer)
COST: $20
Hello All!
It's been a while since I've posted and I do apologize -- it's been kinda crazy here lately with two vacations, and helping my son move into new "digs"... September classes were signed up for in advance and were full, so just another reason for no newsletter.
But now we are into October and I have a really fun class planned for you. We will be doing Aperture cards. I, for one, love interactive cards and these are so much fun because you can use them for any occasion. For your info, the dies we will be using are from Diamond Press (Hidden Message Kit with additional complimentary kits for different occasions). I purchased these kits through HSN and am not sure if they are an exclusive through them. If you check, you will see that the basic kit is offered at $8.00!!! ( That's a fantastic buy! And I will tell you that their dies are incredible -- they release the paper like a dream!
Ok, so let's get to the projects. I've created two for you -- one for friendship and one for Christmas. I got carried away playing with these dies -- love how they go together!
So here's project one with aperture closed:
And aperture opened: