DATE: Saturday, July 10th
COST: $20
Hello all! Well our first class since 2020 was a resounding success and you ladies even finished 20 minutes ahead of schedule -- a first, to be sure! It was a fun afternoon and just seeing you great ladies, was such a highlight.
As you know, I've got about 4 classes already planned out and most of you signed up for our next class (7/10) - BUT I have only one opening left. Sign up quickly before it goes!
I've seen a few of these Pop Out cards and decided I could wrap my head around it and figure out the measurements. Me being me, I went a step further and bumped up the size to a regular A2 card. It affords a little more "real estate" for decorating and is easier to handle. Most that I've seen are a 4x4 format and I found it challenging to fit any decorations into this size format -- it just looked "squat". So I hope you enjoy these cards as much as I did creating them:
Rather unassuming when closed, but here's your "wow" factor when opened...
Woo Hoo! we now have 3 boxes that fold flat to an A2 size card!
And here's our second card...(sorry about the blurry quality)
What you really cannot see is the larger box opened fully from this view. You're going to be making a few of these this season for sure!
So, text me, call me, or send me an email and reserve THE LAST SPOT for this class! See you soon!